NJCPA Connect Has Been Upgraded

 – August 14, 2024
NJCPA Connect Has Been Upgraded

On Wednesday, Aug. 14, NJCPA Connect (the site that hosts the Open Forum and other NJCPA communities) was upgraded. You can still participate in communities via email. But here are some new features to enjoy if you login to the Connect website:

  • Activity Feed – the homepage now features a continuously updated feed of messages and documents that have been posted to the communities you belong to, as well as events you might be interested in. The activity feed more closely resembles other social media feeds, with responses nested underneath the original post.
  • Quick Links – the homepage also features quick links to the communities you belong to and other frequently accessed pages.

What hasn't changed:

  • You can still post and reply to the communities via email. Make note of the email address on the homepage of each community you belong to. Save it as a contact in your email program so it’s easier for you to post.
  • You will still receive postings to your communities in your chosen format:
    • Daily Digest - you receive one email every morning with all of the previous day’s postings
    • Real Time - you get individual email messages each time a posting is made.
    You can manage your subscriptions here.

If you have any questions , please contact Rachael Bell via email or 862-702-5620.