New Jersey CPA Political Action Committee

The New Jersey CPA Political Action Committee (NJ-CPA-PAC) allows CPAs in New Jersey to pool their resources to help elect candidates for state office who demonstrate a positive concern for those issues important to the CPA profession and business community. The NJ-CPA-PAC is not affiliated with any political party and is organized and operated on a non-partisan, independent basis.

The NJ-CPA-PAC works to protect our profession, helping to elect lawmakers who fight unfair legislation that would hurt CPAs and the clients and the businesses they work for. And they support the legislation that benefits CPAs and the business community.

Contributing to the NJ-CPA-PAC is one of the easiest and most effective ways for CPAs to get involved in the political process and have an impact on the CPA profession. Now, more than ever, it is important for every CPA in the state to join the NJ-CPA-PAC.

Here are a few of the issues the lawmakers we support are working on

Stopping efforts to impose sales tax on professional services

The past decade has seen several attempts by lawmakers to adopt a sales tax on professional services to close persistent budget deficits. Over the past three years, there has been a national trend for states to adopt, or try to adopt, a sales tax on professional services

Advocating for legislation to fix problems with the BAIT statute

After successfully advocating for the passage of the New Jersey Business Alternative Income Tax (BAIT), we are working with legislators on new legislation to rectify several implementation issues.

Fighting for tax reform

New Jersey needs significant tax reforms to promote economic growth, stop outmigration and make the state more affordable.

Supporting legislation to reduce CPAs' liability exposure

The CPA profession supports legislation that requires that civil actions alleging professional malpractice be brought within two years. Currently, the statute of limitations in these cases is six years. We are also fighting several bills that would increase CPAs’ and their clients’ liability exposure.


  • Why do we have the NJ-CPA Political Action Committee (PAC)?

  • What does the PAC do?

  • Who runs the PAC?

  • Who can be a member of the NJ-CPA-PAC?

  • How do I become a member of the NJ-CPA-PAC?

  • What do CPAs “get” for their contributions to the PAC?

  • But, I don’t want my money to go to support Democrats (Republicans). Why should I contribute to the PAC?

  • What do candidates do with the money they receive from the PAC?

  • Who decides what candidates get PAC funds and how do they make their decisions?

The NJ-CPA-PAC, is a non-profit entity that was incorporated in 1977. It is not affiliated with or controlled by the New Jersey Society of CPAs. It is funded with voluntary contributions made by CPAs. Those contributions are not tax deductible. The NJ-CPA-PAC complies with all applicable laws and files quarterly and annual reports with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission.

NJ-CPA-PAC Trustees

  • Chairperson
    Paula Ferreira
  • Vice Chairperson
    Jordan Amin
  • Secretary
    Anthony Wrobel
  • Treasurer
    Walter Brasch
  • Trustees
    Gary Higgins
    Kathleen Bernard
    George Pappas
    Sarah Krom
    Sean Stein Smith
    Matthew Wielkotz
    Joseph Cleary


Contact Jeff Kaszerman via email or 862-702-5610.