NJCPA Event Policies and Code of Conduct

The New Jersey Society of CPAs (NJCPA) is committed to providing all meeting participants with a safe, productive, diverse, equitable and inclusive environment that welcomes and encourages the free discussion of ideas.

All participants — including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, NJCPA staff members, service providers and all others — are expected to abide by this Program Code of Conduct. This policy applies to all NJCPA meetings and events, including those sponsored by organizations other than NJCPA but held in conjunction with NJCPA events, on public or private platforms.

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment

The NJCPA has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment including, but not limited to, sexual harassment by participants or our staff at our meetings.

Inappropriate conduct including discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated in any NJCPA meeting, event or online community. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Harassment, intimidation or discrimination in any form, including epithets, slurs or negative stereotyping; threatening, intimidating or hostile acts; and denigrating jokes and display or circulation of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group.
  • Verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, NJCPA staff member, service provider or other meeting guest.
    • Examples of verbal abuse include, but are not limited to, verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion or national origin.
  • Inappropriate usage of harmful or prejudicial visuals and images (e.g., nudity and/or sexual images in public forums, spaces or in presentations are unacceptable).
  • Rude or disruptive actions during presentations, meetings, and events. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator and any NJCPA event staff.
  • Commercial messages. Presentations, postings and messages should not contain promotional materials, special offers, job offers, product announcements or solicitation for services without prior approval from the NJCPA.
  • Unauthorized screenshots and recordings. Participants should not copy or take screen shots of Q&A or any chat room activity that takes place in the virtual space or record any breakout discussions without full consent.
  • Real or implied threat of professional or financial damage or harm or any illegal activity.

Safety Protocols

The NJCPA must consider the health and safety of attendees and staff at every step of the planning process. Guidance from the CDC, New Jersey state government and local authorities have been thoughtfully considered. These protocols will be reviewed as guidance changes. Adherence to on-site (venue) protocols must also be considered and followed. 

When attending an in-person NJCPA event, please adhere to the following: 

Before Leaving Home 

  • Stay home if you are sick. We have a generous refund policy. Or, if available, we can switch you to virtual attendance or offer another virtual program.
  • Evaluate your own health and that of everyone you are in close contact with. If anyone is sick, please stay home.
  • Agree to take your temperature at home before your journey to the venue.  

During the Event 

  • Agree to take preventative actions to prevent the spread:
    • Washing hands
    • Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
    • Not touching your face with unwashed hands
  • Agree to abide by CDC, New Jersey state, local and host venue guidelines at the time of the meeting regardless of vaccination status.
  • Agree to socially distance if you are asked to do so. Respect each other’s space.
  • Contact the event organizer immediately if you are feeling ill.

After the Event 

If you test positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days after the event, please contact Angela Russo, director of learning, via email or 862-702-5601 immediately. 

Event Registration Policies

Refund Policy

Cancellation requests must be made three business days in advance of the course to receive a refund. Requests made less than three business days in advance will result in a credit balance. Credit balances expire and are forfeited after six months. Another individual may substitute for you at the course. No-shows forfeit the registration fee.

Transfer Policy

Transfers to another course will be allowed up to one business day before a course. Transfers to a lower-priced course initiated by the attendee will result in a refund if the difference amounts to $15 or more. The discounted price per course after purchasing a "Season Pass" is not transferable to another course.

Course Cancellation Policy

In the event that a course must be cancelled, registrants will be notified immediately and full refunds will be given. If purchased with a previous credit the refund will remain as a credit. No refunds will be given for individual courses purchased under the “Event Bundle” or "Season Pass" price. The chapter will try to reschedule the course.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures

Anyone who arrives at a NJCPA Education Foundation continuing professional education program late or leaves early will have his or her CPE credits adjusted accordingly. This is especially important with regard to the New Jersey Law and Ethics course. This is a four-hour requirement mandated by the New Jersey State Board of Accountancy (NJSBA), and participants must complete the entire 200 minutes in order to fulfill the requirement. Late arrivals and early departures will not be permitted. As stipulated by the NJSBA, continuing professional education credit is granted at the rate of one credit hour for every 50 minutes of in-class participation.

Special Requirements

If you plan to attend a program and will need assistance relating to a disability, please contact us at least three weeks prior to the event. If you have any special dietary requirement, please contact us within five days of the program.

Season Pass Holders

In order for the chapter to submit accurate counts to meeting facilities, you must register for each event. 

Consent of Use

Attendance at or participation in a program run by the NJCPA or NJCPA Education Foundation, Inc. constitutes an agreement that any testimonials, photographs, video, audio or other visual or audio reproduction obtained during the event can be used for promotion and recruitment, including Internet and website use. NJCPA is released from any liability connected with the use of event pictures or voices.

New Jersey Mandatory CPE Compliance

All accounting and auditing courses qualify for the specific auditing requirement under the New Jersey State Board of Accountancy's Continuing Professional Education Regulations. All other courses qualify for CPE credit under the New Jersey Regulations, unless otherwise indicated. Our New Jersey sponsorship number is 162.

Description of CPE Credit Hours

  • AA = Accounting & Auditing
  • CS = Consulting Services
  • EC = Economics
  • MK = Marketing
  • MT = Management
  • OT = Other
  • PD = Personal Development
  • PE = Professional Ethics
  • PM = Practice Management
  • SK = Specialized Knowledge
  • TX = Taxation

The NJCPA reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from the meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior, and the NJCPA reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.

If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of unacceptable behavior, inform either Jim Hardenberg, chief learning officer, via email or 862-702-5615, or Angela Russo, director of learning, via email or 862-702-5601 so that we can take the appropriate action.

If you test positive for COVID-19 up to 14 days after the event, please contact Angela Russo, director of learning, via email or 862-702-5601, immediately.