Thursday, May 16, 2024
9 a.m.-6 p.m.
NJCPA, 105 Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 300, Roseland, NJ
Cost: Free
This free, one-day program will provide New Jersey-based college sophomores, juniors, seniors and fifth-year accounting students with the skills and guidance to launch successful careers. Participate in team-building events, learn what to expect in your first job/internship position, receive training in business communication and networking, and explore various career options. CPAs and NJCPA leaders will share their personal and professional experiences, discuss educational opportunities, and provide tips for success.
The day will be filled with immersive learning experiences, networking and speaking with advisors. A short reception will conclude the program. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided. Areas of professional development will include:
- Communication skills
- Personal branding
- Speed networking
- Career options
- CPA Exam experiences
- Team building
The application deadline has passed. But stay tuned for future events for accounting students. If you're not already a student member, apply today. It's free!