New Jersey’s CPA profession is stronger together.
Your organization’s support and commitment to the NJCPA helps make a greater impact on value for CPAs and moving the profession forward.
Become a 100-Percent Member Champion by committing all your company’s CPAs to NJCPA membership. Our strategic partnership provides your firm with one-to-one support and a strong voice on legislative and regulatory issues. It also provides substantial discounts and special opportunities.
The 100-Percent Member Champion program is available to any New Jersey firm or company that has 15 or more CPAs or a combination of CPAs and CPA Candidates equaling or exceeding 15 members.
Program Benefits
In addition to all of the standard NJCPA member benefits, 100-Percent Member Champions also receive the following:
To access a report of your current NJCPA members, please log into Firm Administration section. Contact Susan Dyer at or 862-702-5609 for instructions for achieving 100-percent membership and/or any questions about the firm administration area of the website.