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November 21 - 22, 2024 Live Webcast

Level II - Semi-Senior Staff Training (E2411101)

8:45 AM - 4:30 PM EDT each day

Registration: 8:30 AM EDT


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12 CPE Credits in AA
2.5 CPE Credits in TX
1.5 CPE Credits in MT


To enable more experienced staff to complete smaller audits, reviews and compilations with minimum supervision and maximum profitability.


Staff with 1 to 2 years and at least one tax season


The objective of this session is to identify ways to maintain and improve good communication with clients and partners. Actual practice situations involving poor communication are utilized.


  • Apply Analytical Procedures: This session emphasizes the values and uses of analytical procedures for auditing and review services and how these tests can be used to help a client run their business better as a part of a client–service–oriented approach. Participants will learn how to correctly apply the SSARS and SAS requirements to clients through several cases covering ratio analysis and analytical procedures.
  • Conduct Small Audits: Previous learning about the financial accounting process, transaction cycles, and the nature of generally accepted accounting principles will be reinforced and applied to the audit of a small client. Understanding the client and their industry; assessing control risk, inherent risk, and risk of fraud; linking assessed risks to resulting evidence; designing the most efficient audit approach; and making management suggestions on small jobs are all addressed in the case application.
  • Perform Review Service Engagements: In this session, participants explore both the SSARS requirements and the practical problems encountered in applying them to compilations and reviews. A major case study is used to help participants understand differences in the nature and extent of procedures necessary for completing reviews and compilations, including analytical procedures, working papers and common GAAP problems. Participants will also learn how to use review service engagement forms and checklists more effectively.
  • Draft Financial Statements and Footnotes: Participants will review and recommend changes in the format, terminology, and account groupings for a set of financial statements included in a major case study. Adherence to firm policies and utilization of professional judgment in adapting to varying circumstances will be emphasized in full group discussion. Using a reporting checklist, small groups of participants will also organize and outline the contents of footnotes for the case study financial statements. Participants will evaluate an accountant’s report for a review service engagement using the facts contained in the case materials. They will also complete an engagement reporting exercise to become familiar with the different types of reports needed under differing circumstances.
  • Improve Corporate Tax Knowledge: Completion of the major case in this module requires that participants identify and resolve numerous tax issues in order to determine a small business client’s tax liability for the year. A tax return preparation and review checklist for C corporations is provided as an aid. Other cases in the module require that participants solve problems involving unethical tax return preparation, methods of depreciating assets and determining the appropriate form of a business organization.




1 to 2 years and at least one tax season




Bonnie Kennedy

Bonnie Kennedy, CPA

Kaplan Financial Education, Powered by Loscalzo

Bonnie has nearly 20 years of experience in the accounting profession in public and private industry. She began in public practice with a regional accounting firm in New England before taking a position as the Controller and CFO of a manufacturing firm. Bonnie is now a full-time faculty member at an accredited university. With the regional CPA firm, Bonnie was involved in recruiting, interviewing, and mentoring new staff. She also designed and conducted CPE programs for the firm. After initial exposure to taxation and attestation work, Bonnie specialized in audits of manufacturing companies and not-for-profit entities. She has taught accounting and auditing courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, published articles in scholarly journals, and presented at national conferences. Bonnie is a member of the AICPA and the Rhode Island Society of CPAs.


$615.00 - Member

$765.00 - Nonmember

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