Substantive Analytic Procedures - Strengthening Evidence to Satisfy Audit Objectives will provide the tips and best practice techniques for strengthening substantive analytic procedures in order to reduce over-reliance on tests of details. One of the ways to perform a more effective and efficient audit is to maximize the use of substantive analytic procedures in the detailed audit plan.
Accountants responsible for strengthening analytic procedures for a more effective and efficient audit
After attending this presentation, you will be able to...
- Determine how analytic procedures can enhance audit quality
- Choose elements of strong analytic procedures that can eliminate or mitigate the need for extensive tests of details
- Distinguish tips for improving documentation of the design, documentation and evaluation of substantive analytic procedures
- Identify factors impacting the development of expectations and evaluation of results of substantive analytic procedures
The major topics covered in this course include:
- How analytic procedures enhance audit quality
- Elements of strong analytic procedures
- Selecting the proper analytic, and altering the strength for the intended purpose
- Disaggregating data to make more informed expectations
- Evaluating the data used in generating expectations, including corroborating inquiry
- Improving documentation, including evaluating sufficiency and appropriateness of the audit evidence obtained
- Resolving significant differences resulting from analytic procedures and concluding on audit results
Basic audit experience