Think about how much time you spend reviewing and creating PDF files. This course teaches you how to take advantage of a multitude of features and functions available in Adobe Acrobat to create, review, organize, edit and secure your PDF files more effectively and efficiently.
Anyone who works with PDF files. Especially if you are already using Adobe Acrobat
After attending this presentation you will be able to...
- Apply the power of Adobe Acrobat DC to your work with PDF files
- Determine the best approach to accomplish a task with your PDFs using Acrobat DC
- Employ time-saving techniques and more productivity
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:
- Navigating Adobe Acrobat DC
- Creating PDF files from other applications
- Organize PDF files and pages within a PDF
- Using the annotation tools to review and markup PDF files
- Preparing your PDF for printing
- Creating links to pages, files and websites
- Securing your PDF files
- Searching PDF files
- Creating fillable forms
- Adobe Acrobat integration with Office 365
Basic understanding of PDF files