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Wednesday, April 1, 2026 Live Webcast

CPAxPACK: Forensic Accounting: Investigate, Analyze, Report (X2-59001)

4:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT

Vendor Platform

8 CPE Credits in AA
4 CPE Credits in PE


*** This CPAx Pack includes three individual sessions for a total of 12 CPE. You receive significant savings when purchasing these webinars as a Pack.


Accountants who will need to prepare forensic analysis.


After attending this presentation, you will be able to...

  • Identify the various court approved methods of proof.
  • Recognize the court cases approving the methods of proof.
  • Identify the process of preserving, analyzing, and evaluating evidence.
  • Evaluate the ethics in forensic accounting and strategies for ethical decision-making.
  • Prepare clear, concise, and objective expert reports, including understanding their components and best practices.


The major topics that will be covered in this course include:

All courses in this Pack are presented by Robert Nordlander, CPA.

Course 1: Forensic Accounting: Court Approved Methods of Proof

CPE: 4

Description: How does a forensic accountant calculate financial losses? Federal courts have approved various ways to calculate losses ranging from net worth method of proof to the expenditures method. Each method of proof depends on the available facts to the forensic accountant. This presentation will focus on the various court approved methods of proof, when to use them, and how to calculate the total loss.

Course 2: Forensic Accounting: When The Office Is A Crime Scene

CPE: 4

Description: Embezzlement happens often to many small businesses. Unfortunately, the lack of internal controls allow the embezzlement to remain undetected for years. But when it is discovered, the small business owner will most likely contact their CPA for advice. What should you do when your client contacts you about their employee embezzling money from their business? What options should you present to your client? How can your client protect themselves, while investigating the embezzlement? What steps need to be taken about preserving any documents, emails, texts, or phone calls? This course teaches how to engage the client, properly identify the evidence needed to prove the crime, how to write the report for civil and criminal trial, and best practices in preserving electronic and paper evidence.

Course 3: Forensic Accounting: Crafting Expert Reports

CPE: 4

Description: When forensic accountants are hired to conduct an analysis and investigations, they are commonly expected to write a report. This report can be short or long, depending on the circumstances. This presentation is how to write an effective expert report that will withstand scrutiny of both parties of litigation and the court. The presentation will also include best practices, ethics, and components of an effective report.








Various Speakers

Various Speakers


$299.00 - Member

$319.00 - Nonmember

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Note: Online pre-registration will close on April 1 at 3:30 AM.


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