Keynote Presenter: Amelia Rose Earhart
Join us on Thursday, June 5 at 4 p.m. for our feature presentation, Learn to Love the Turbulence: Create a Flight Plan to Clear Any Goal for Take-Off, with Amelia Rose Earhart, around-the-world pilot and author.
It would be great if all our goals could be reached without any disruption, but the reality is, reaching new heights requires us to get comfortable with the possibility of turbulence. Preparedness and understanding are the strongest antidotes to turbulence. Drawing upon her upcoming book, Learn to Love the Turbulence: Flight Lessons on Becoming the Pilot in Command of Your Own Journey, Amelia shares what it takes to create a solid flight plan to reach any goal, identify and assess risk, and formulate backup plans to prepare for disruption, adversity and challenges. Learn how forecasting and proper planning can prepare us to make even the most difficult journeys. Find out how to use 360-degree thinking to gain confidence in course correcting through and around major challenges. And understand the importance of “aviate, navigate, communicate,” which allows us to distribute responsibility and prioritize appropriate action in times of stress and confusion.