Our annual in-depth look at governmental accounting and auditing will help you effectively implement current and new statements from the GASB, overcome implementation issues, enact changes in single audits, comply with local government regulations and circumvent fraud in your organization.
CPAs, auditors, city officials and other financial professionals who are involved in local government audits
- Learn how to effectively implement new and existing government accounting standards.
- Learn what’s new at national and state accounting agencies and receive practical guidance.
- Stay up to date on changes in single audits and prevent audit deficiencies.
- Learn from case studies of governmental fraud.
8-8:50 a.m.
Single Audit Update
John D’Amico, CPA and Philip Marciano, CPA, CGFM – Marks Paneth LLP
This session will provide an update on the most recent changes in single audits. Common single audit deficiencies will be reviewed, and suggestions will be provided to help auditors avoid these errors.
9-10:15 a.m.
GASB Update
Jialan Su, CPA - Governmental Accounting Standards Board
This update from the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) will focus on pronouncements currently being implemented, including Statement No. 87, Leases, through Statement No.99 and Omnibus 2022. It will also briefly cover two new Statements issued in 2022 - Statement No. 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections, and Statement No. 101, Compensated Absences. If time allows, we'll discuss projects currently being deliberated by the Board, the pre-agenda research activities, as well as the post-implementation review activities.
10:25-11:15 a.m.
The Governmental “Fraudies” Awards (and lessons learned)
Mitchell Hansen, CPA, CMA, CFE, CIA – Clark Nuber PS
This session will count down the top 10 governmental frauds of 2022 and lessons learned from each fraud case to help you prevent similar frauds from occurring in your organization. We will also look at what to do if you suspect fraud may be occurring.
11:25 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
GASB 96 Update
Jialan Su, CPA - Governmental Accounting Standards Board
This session will provide an overview of GASB Statement No. 96, Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITA), which became effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022. The presentation will also discuss some implementation issues related to certain topics in Statement 96.
12:45-1:35 p.m.
DLGS Update
Jacquelyn Suarez, Director - Division of Local Government Services
Hear from the Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) about its current initiatives and what is planned for the future.
1:45-2:35 p.m.
Department of Education Update
Jacqueline Grama, CPA and Montu G. Patel, CPA – New Jersey Department of Education
This session will review changes New Jersey's audit program, updates on state aid, news on grants and findings as well as other developments.
2:45-4 p.m.
Office of the State Comptroller: Performance Auditing
Daniel Rosenberg, Audit Supervisor
Joseph Testori, Audit Supervisor
This session will provide an overview of the history and responsibilities of the OSC with an emphasis on the audit process. It will also highlight recent findings from our audit reports as well as the impact of the OSC audits.