Live Chat Testing

  • Click on the “Chat With Us” button in the lower right corner.
  • Enter a name and email address (you don’t have to use your real name/email).
  • Enter a question in the “Enter your message here…” field.
    • Try to use “real-life” questions that our members/customers might submit.
    • If you need help thinking of a question, you can refer to the FAQs we developed. (You don’t have to use the exact wording of the questions; feel free to vary them and put them in your own words.)
  • Depending what question you ask, our “bot” might instantly respond with an answer. In that case, you’ll see two buttons under the answer: “That helped” or “Wait for a live person.”
    • Vary which button you click for different chats you initiate.
  • A staff member will respond to you in any case. Engage in conversation to help our staff hone their skills using the software. Feel free to ask additional questions, as we expect some customers might have multiple questions.
  • Keep in mind that we are flooding the agents with a high volume of chats in a short period of time. You should expect to receive an initial response within 2 minutes, but please be patient if it takes a little while longer to get the actual answer to your question. The testing period is not expected to simulate “real life” when we launch on the full website; we expect the chat volume to be lower than during our testing period.
  • Eventually, the staff member will close out the chat once they confirm you’ve gotten all of your questions answered.
  • Once you receive the message that the chat session has ended, you can start a new chat session.

Questions/problems? Notify Rachael.