Stay ahead of the curve amid increased scrutiny of single audits, new standards, prevailing risks and recent trends affecting audit quality in the nonprofit sector.
CPAs and financial professionals working for nonprofit organizations or representing nonprofit clients.
Understand accounting, tax and other factors impacting nonprofit organizations.
8-9:15 a.m.
FASB Update (1.5 AA)
Jeff Mechanick, Assistant Director - Financial Accounting Standards Board
This session will provide updates on the most important developments in GAAP affecting nonprofits and share what’s on the horizon to help keep you ahead of the curve. Topics that will be discussed include new and pending pronouncements (ASUs), especially on crypto assets; implementation issues on recent standards, especially on leases and credit losses; current financial reporting issues; and noteworthy current FASB projects, such as on software development costs.
9:30-10:20 a.m.
Hot Topics in Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing (1 AA)
Alex Buchholz, CPA, M.B.A., CGMA - PKF O'Connor Davies
This session will bring you up-to-speed on important matters including:
- New lease standard and implementation
- Recently issued auditing standards
- Single audit update
- Current expected credit losses (“CECL”)
10:30-11:20 a.m.
Breakout Sessions (Choose One)
1A. Single Audit Update (1 AA)
Catherine Syslo, CPA – CohnReznick
This session will cover the latest news and updates surrounding single audits.
Topics will include important information from the 2023 Compliance Supplement, proposed changes to the uniform guidance and other important single audit reminders and updates.
1B. Nonprofit Tax Topics and Energy Credits (1 TX)
Jola Tuck, CPA, MSA - CohnReznick
Has your nonprofit had a compliance check-in this year? As we head toward the end of the year, it’s a great time to take a step back from the day-to-day and check whether your organization is caught up on the latest tax issues. This session will provide insight on the latest tax topics nonprofits should be aware of, including a roundup of the new energy credits.
11:20 a.m.-11:50 a.m.
Lunch Break
11:50 a.m.-12:40 p.m.
Breakout Sessions (Choose One)
2A. New Audit Standards (1 AA)
June Toth, CPA, CFF, CITP, CGMA – WilkinGuttenplan
Details coming soon
2B. Preparing for an IRS Audit of Form 990 (1 TX)
Brian Yacker, CPA, JD - Baker Tilly
This session will help prepare you if you or your clients have been selected for a Form 990 audit. Topics include insights into the IRS audit process, how organizations are selected for an audit and strategies for successfully managing an audit of Form 990.
12:50-2:05 p.m.
AI and the Metaverse's Effect on Nonprofit Enterprises (1.5 SK)
Dr. Sean Stein Smith, CPA, CFE, CGMA, CMA, DBA – Lehman College
Details coming soon
2:20-3:10 p.m.
IRS Criminal Investigations (1 SK)
Special Agent Robert Glantz - Internal Revenue Service
Learn about IRS Criminal Investigation and its role within the IRS. Topics will include the types of cases it investigates, how it becomes aware of possible criminal activity and investigative techniques used to conduct investigations.