Get a solid understanding of international tax terminology and regulations that apply to a U.S. entity involved in global operations, or for a foreign entity doing business in the U.S. Whether your organization or client is contemplating a global move or is already involved in international business, you need to know about the activities that create multijurisdictional tax exposure and the required tax reporting considerations. All-new course materials include the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) and a discussion of recently released regulations.
Senior associates through manager in public accounting who assist clients with tax
implications of their global operations, owners and CFOs of closely held businesses with
international operations.
- Recognize the rules for determining who is a U.S. taxpayer.
- Recall the basic rules for allocation and apportionment of deductions.
- Recognize the need for a foreign tax credit.
- Identify the purpose of anti-deferral regimes.
- Distinguish between anti-deferral regimes that apply to controlled foreign corporations.
- Identify the U.S. taxation of fixed, determinable, annual, or periodical income of foreign persons.
- Identify the U.S. taxation of effectively connected income of foreign persons.
- U.S. tax residents
- Allocation and apportionment of deductions
- U.S. foreign tax credit
- Initiation of foreign operations
- Foreign branches and subsidiaries
- Global intangible low-taxed income
- Effectively connected income
- Fixed, determinable, annual, or periodical income
Strong knowledge of U.S. Income taxation.