Registration: 8:30 AM EDT
It is vital for today’s CFO to not only know how to read and analyze the numbers, but also how to present them to stakeholders.
Financial professionals who are, or aspire to be, chief financial officers. The discussions are targeted at those in midsize organizations.
Experience working with internal clients or external clients and business leaders.
Bob is currently serving as a CFO and chief people officer for a startup venture. A three-time national instructor of the year for KPMG, he has also authored multiple courses for Fortune 500 brands in leadership, strategy and accounting. Bob served terms on two advisory councils for The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and currently chairs the Environmental Roundtable. He is a nationally awarded educator for continuing professional education (CPE) training, a strategic planning facilitator and a fundraising and planned giving consultant. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee, with his wife and large family with multiple pets.
$299.00 - Member
$449.00 - Nonmember
Note: Online pre-registration will close on October 14 at 8:00 AM.
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