After a false start in 2022 when it failed to pass through Congress, the Secure Act 2.0 was passed in a flurry of year-end legislation.
This course is suitable for Corporate tax and finance executives, directors, managers and staff, CPAs, CAs Enrolled Agents, accountants, attorneys and business/financial advisors who work with and advise businesses and individuals that have these tax implications.
After attending this presentation, you will be able to...
- Analyze the newest tax developments contained in in the Secure Act 2.0.
- Recall the new provisions modifying the administration of employer retirement plans.
- Recall expanded contribution and catch-up limits for individuals.
- Recognize the new required beginning dates for distributions.
- Recall the newest developments on required minimum distribution dates.
The major topics that will be covered in this course include:
- Implications for individuals
- Changes to the Saver’s Credit
- Changing the required minimum distribution rules for Roth 401(k)s
- Changes to required beginning dates for required minimum distributions of retirement plans.
- Penalty-Free Withdrawals for Certain Emergency Expenses
- Special provisions for firefighters and military personnel spouses
- Increases in catch-up contributions
- Impact on 529 plans
- Opportunities for student loan payment matching
- Implications for Employers
- Starter § 401(k) plans for small employers
- Requiring automatic 401(k) enrollment
- Improving worker access to emergency savings
- Increasing part-time workers’ access to retirement accounts
- Statute of Limitations on excise taxes imposed on overcontributions to retirement plans
- Multiple employer §403(b) plans
- Automatic portability provisions
- Other changes in the administration of company retirement plans