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This session offers tips and techniques to manage the present and future by harnessing exponentials and adopting an exponential mindset. Includes the latest on navigating through the #COVID19 pandemic.
Current and aspiring leaders
•Differentiate between linear and exponential change
Executive Vice President, Business Growth and Engagement
Tom Hood III, CPA, CITP, CGMA EVP Business Engagement & Growth, AICPA-CIMA and Business Learning Institute
Tom recently stepped onto the global stage of the largest association of certified professional accountants in the world, representing over 690,000 CPAs, CGMAs, and students. In 2021 he was named the second most influential person in accounting by Accounting Today Magazine for the tenth year.
Tom is known for his work on the CPA Vision Project, the CPA Horizons 2025 Project, and most recently the Future of Finance 2030. In 1999, he co-founded the Business Learning Institute (BLI) with a purpose of “Empowering human capital in a global VUCA world, so that our organizations and communities thrive”, based on the findings of the CPA Vision and CPA Horizons 2025 research. This led to the T-shaped Professional and a focus on ‘success skills’ for CPAs, CGMAs, and finance and accounting professionals.
LinkedIn recruited Tom as one of their Top 100 Influencers in 2012 and he now has a following of over 730,000. He is a member of Forbes Finance Council and was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame.
Tom is the former CEO of the Maryland Association of CPAs and former CFO of a highway construction company. He has a Master’s in Finance from Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Loyola University of Maryland.
$75.00 - Member
$89.00 - Nonmember
Note: Online pre-registration will close on April 11 at 9:30 AM.
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