Gain personal financial planning ideas for clients who have between $1M and $15M of net worth. This 90-minute webcast will include time for Q&A.
Tax professionals who serve individual clients
CPA financial planners and other professional financial planners
- Practitioners who provide Tax, retirement, estate, investment or Risk management planning services
- Identify tax, retirement, estate, investment, and risk management planning strategies for clients with $1M to $15M of net worth.
- Determine how the impending sunset of TCJA, the election year, and general financial uncertainty affect planning for your clients.
Planning for clients with net worth between $1M and $15M.
Personal financial planning ideas in the areas of tax, retirement, estate, investment, and risk management.
Considerations in an election year and the impending sunset of TCJA.COURSE LEVEL
Basic knowledge of financial planning, retirement planning, estate planning, tax planning and investment planning