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Earn an AICPA Cybersecurity Certificate
Learn how to recognize and mitigate cybersecurity risks and determine what will be done in the event of a cybersecurity breach.
Earn an AICPA Personal Financial Planning Certificate
Gain a thorough understanding of the planning process and your responsibilities as a planner with real-world application of how the PFP topics integrate with your clients life goals.
Earn the AICPA Forensic Accounting Certificate
Learn the core material in professional standards that applies to forensic engagements and gain a solid understanding of how to work within the court system when engaged as a forensic accountant.
Earn an AICPA Data Analytics Certificate
Get hands-on experience regarding how to analyze data and calculate fundamental aspects of your data sets. Learn how to apply data analysis techniques to help make informed, data-driven business decisions.
Earn an AICPA Not-for-Profit Certificate
Build a strong foundational knowledge of the unique financial needs of the NFP sector, including financial reporting engagements, NFP tax engagements or NFP audit engagements.
Find a CPA
Locate a CPA near you for expert help with tax preparation and managing the financial health of your business.
Career and Business
Get tools and guidance to grow your career and further your organization’s success.
Connect with CPAs in New Jersey and beyond who have similar interests, challenges and opportunities as you.
Increase your technical competence and leadership skills with cutting edge information and training.
Find a Peer Reviewer
Search our Peer Review Directory to locate a firm to perform your peer review under the AICPA Peer Review Program.
Find an Attorney
The Attorney Recommendations page pulls together attorney referrals from NJCPA members on the Open Forum for the past few years.
Join an Interest Group
NJCPA interest groups help you build a network of people who face the same challenges and opportunities you do every day in the technical areas you specialize in or want to learn more about.
Showcase Your Expertise
Build your career by showcasing your expertise. Sign up to be a writer, blogger or speaker for the NJCPA.
Learn about the NJCPA Scholarship Fund
Interested in reading more about the background and history of the NJCPA Scholarship Fund?
Check Out Our Helpful Career Resources
Whether you’re a college student, new graduate or CPA Candidate — or something else — we have articles, advice and tools to support you.
Disaster Recovery Guide
A resources to help individuals, families and small businesses with replacing lost or damaged documents after a disaster.
Surgent CPA Review
Save 35 percent on your full course or individual course purchase from Surgent CPA Review.
UWorld Roger CPA Review
NJCPA members save 20 percent on the UWorld Roger CPA Review UNLIMITED access course.
Gleim CPA Review
Save 25 percent of all Gleim CPA Review courses.
Learn About Your Property Taxes
The New Jersey Homeowner's Guide to Property Taxes answers everyday questions homeowners have about how their home's value is assessed, how their tax bill is created and where tax dollars get allocated.