Greenhushing: Delving Into the Anti-ESG Movement

January 30, 2024

ESG – environmental, social and governance – is considered by some to be a buzzword or a “woke” issue, while others see it as a business imperative. As a result, some companies are “greenhushing,” opting to stay quiet about their sustainability goals. In this episode, Andrew Winston, a leading expert on sustainability and corporate strategy, talks about the anti-ESG movement and the important role that CPAs can play in ESG reporting.


      Andrew  Winston

      Andrew Winston

      Andrew Winston is a writer, speaker and consultant on corporate strategy, helping executives and companies build a thriving world. His work focuses on mega-trends and how to build companies that serve many stakeholders, not just shareholders.
      Don  Meyer

      Don Meyer

      Don Meyer, CAE, is the chief marketing officer of the New Jersey Society of CPAs, where he is responsible for setting the vision, strategy and direction for the organization’s marketing, communications and membership campaigns and for driving the success of a deep and broad swath of organizational initiatives.

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