Creating a Culture of Advocacy

by Aiysha (AJ) Johnson, MA, IOM, NJCPA CEO and Executive Director – March 4, 2025
Creating a Culture of Advocacy

Reflecting on 2024 and looking ahead to the rest of 2025, one of the things I am most proud of is the NJCPA s strong culture of advocacy for the accounting profession. By listening to our members, staying current with the New Jersey State Board of Accountancy, exploring opportunities with other state societies, and supporting the business community and other stakeholders, we continue to represent our CPAs and accounting professionals at the state and national levels. Our recent focus has been on discussions around a new pathway to licensure, participating in the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce s Walk to Washington, advocating for issues important to CPAs and our ongoing efforts with the New Jersey CPA Political Action Committee (NJ-CPA-PAC).

Alternative Pathway to Licensure

By now, most of you are aware that a new alternative pathway to CPA licensure is gaining ground across the country. The NJCPA supports offering an alternative pathway to licensure with an additional year of experience instead of the 30 credits but does not support the proposal by American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)/National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) that called for the first year of experience to be done within the competency-based framework outlined in their proposal. The basis of our recommendations is to reduce barriers to licensure while supporting the rigor that is expected to enter the profession.

Last November, the NJCPA Board of Trustees submitted a comment letter to the AICPA and NASBA indicating the Society's intention to introduce legislation in 2025 to add a pathway for licensure that does not require 150 hours of education. Our proposal, which is based on our board sentiment and a survey of our members, includes language intended to ensure continued practice mobility for out-of-state CPAs practicing in New Jersey as well as the addition of a licensure pathway requiring passage of the CPA Exam, a baccalaureate degree with an accounting concentration and two years of experience in accounting.

Walk to Washington

The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce s Walk to Washington returned in February after a five-year hiatus, and it was an over whelming success. We are thankful to all of our members who participated. Having a strong presence amid the legislative community is crucial to successfully representing the accounting profession and finding solutions to its challenges. Our participation in the event builds on our many years of expressing our opinions to legislators along the route to D.C., which culminated in a great networking opportunity.

CPA Day at the State Capital

In October 2024, we held a successful CPA Day at the State Capital. Dozens of members gathered for lunch and presentations at the historic Trenton Masonic Temple followed by a visit to the Statehouse to meet with lawmakers and convey CPA legislative priorities.

More than 30 NJCPA members discussed business-friendly, pro-CPA initiatives with New Jersey lawmakers. Some of the topics included the NJCPA and the AICPA actively advocating for accounting to be recognized as a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subject, and to allow the STEM K-12 grant funding to be used for accounting awareness and education.

PAC Commitment

We continue to encourage everyone to contribute to the NJ-CPA-PAC. Our nonpartisan PAC provides money to New Jersey legislative candidates who demonstrate a positive concern for those issues important to the CPA profession and business community. This is particularly important this election year where the governorship and all 80 seats in the Assembly will be up for vote. Learn more about the PAC and contribute at

We could not foster such a culture of advocacy without you. Please continue to weigh in on important issues impacting the accounting profession. Email us at or call 973-226-4494. We are listening!

Aiysha  Johnson

Aiysha Johnson

Aiysha (AJ) Johnson, MA, IOM, is the CEO and executive director of the New Jersey Society of CPAs (NJCPA). Prior to joining the NJCPA in 2023, she was executive director of BKR International’s Americas Region, where she was responsible for overseeing the implementation of all strategic efforts for BKR accounting and business advisory member firms in the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. Prior to serving the accounting profession, she worked for a range of associations including Vizient, the nation’s largest healthcare performance improvement company, where she supported members with complex benchmarking needs. Johnson has more than 20 years of wide-ranging global experience working for nonprofits and professional and trade associations.

More content by Aiysha Johnson:

Learn more from Aiysha Johnson:

This article appeared in the Spring 2025 issue of New Jersey CPA magazine. Read the full issue.


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