Every business will be sold eventually. When you have built a great business and decide to move on – you want the most you can get for that terrific organization! What are the steps to take to maximize the value realized? What do buyers really want? What are the three levers to achieve maximum value? If you want top dollar, preparing to sell takes years of planning. This seminar helps CEOs, entrepreneurs, CFOs, Board members, controllers, and their advisors prepare for a successful sale of the organization to maximize shareholder value. We will outline the process to get the most bang for the buck. Proper exit planning demands planning and time.
CEOs, Corporate Financial Leaders, Corporate Financial Managers, CFOs, Controllers, accountants, Board members, advisors, and consultants. CPAs in public practice and CPAs in industry. Business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals who are interested in learning how to prepare a business to be sold.
- Identifying the key considerations when preparing to exit the business to achieve optimal sales price
- Understanding some of the key issues to consider when preparing to sell a business
- What do buyers really want?
- Steps to take so your business will be attractive to buyers
- The process to prepare for a sale
- The steps and timing
- Pitfalls to avoid
- The value of a strong advisory team
- Key considerations
At least six (6) months of professional financial statement analysis experience, or at least six (6) credit hours of corporate finance classwork at an accredited university. Best suited for those who work with an organization that may be sold within the next five years.
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