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    How to Transition from College to a Member of the Workforce

    Posted: June 30, 2020
    For those of you just entering the workforce, enjoy this new and exciting journey you are beginning and welcome all of the lessons and growing pains it has to offer. Here are some basic tips I’ve learned to help make this leap’s landing as smooth as possible.
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    What We Learned in the Last 8 Weeks About Working from Home

    Posted: May 26, 2020
    Working from home has become the norm for most people since March. Once our country begins to take steps to fully open up safely, the rules will change again. Our ability to adapt and pivot in real time will ensure our success not only as individuals, but as organizations, and as a country.
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    How Working Mom CPAs Can Survive and Thrive

    Posted: February 28, 2020
    You know you are a working mom when your mind seamlessly transitions from remembering to change a diaper on your way out the door to strategizing about tax savings for your multi-million dollar client as you are driving to work. Here are some helpful tips to thrive.
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    Obtaining My CPA at 32

    Posted: February 25, 2020
    What I learned throughout the following year’s successes and failures is simple; the CPA Exam is a war of mental attrition where the persistent and dedicated are rewarded. Here is my journey on passing it.
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    How to Distinguish Yourself From the Pack

    Posted: January 8, 2020
    With the proper mindset and the right leadership to offer direction, anyone can turn the challenges of starting a new staff accountant job into opportunities. Here are some pointers to keep in mind.