• College Expenses

    Tax Benefits Can Help with Higher Education Costs

    Posted: Sep 28, 2017 Source: IRS
    With back-to-school season in full swing, the Internal Revenue Service reminds parents and students about tax benefits that can help with the expense of higher education.
  • cybersecurity_technology_400

    Looking at Cybersecurity from the Top

    Posted: May 23, 2017
    It's not a matter of just slowing down operations; data theft could jeopardize pending mergers and acquisitions or create a public relations nightmare. Cybersecurity needs to be a company-wide priority.
  • Unprepared Prepared

    Creating a Disaster Plan to Ensure Your Company’s Security

    Posted: May 22, 2017
    By using judicious, solid components of recovery, such as business continuity planning (BCP), disaster recovery (DR) and penetration testing, businesses can diminish losses and emerge from misfortunes relatively unharmed and ready to persevere.
  • the_cpas_role_in_accounting_policy

    Five Ways Outsourced CFO Services Can Benefit Your Business Clients

    Posted: May 22, 2017
    Outsourcing the CFO function can lead to increased savings and high-level financial expertise. The changes at one company that opted for this increased profitability, leading to an increase in available cash. Find out more ways this function can be useful.
  • cybersecurity lock data

    New AICPA Cybersecurity Risk Management Reporting Framework Explained

    Posted: May 17, 2017
    The AICPA recently released a cybersecurity risk management reporting framework that aligns with those existing methods, controls and frameworks companies currently employ to manage cybersecurity risks. Find out more.
  • Choices

    Questions You Should Consider When Taking a Job

    Posted: May 2, 2017
    If you’re in the job market, what issues should you be considering to be sure that your next step is the right one? This article helps you discover what you could be overlooking.
  • Hacker

    Security Blocking and Tackling

    Posted: Apr 27, 2017
    How valuable is your data or your client’s data? What actions should be taken to protect valuable information? Good security reviews reduce the risk of exposure and eliminate the obvious. Find out what are common sense best practices.
  • leadership

    Why Leaders Need to be Great Salespeople to Succeed

    Posted: Apr 6, 2017
    To successfully influence others, leaders must understand what those people are thinking and then tap into whatever their strongest emotion is at that time.
  • House Money

    Tax Facts When You Buy a Home

    Posted: Mar 31, 2017
    Whether you’re still shopping for a home or have already set up housekeeping, it’s a good idea to be aware of some of the tax implications of ownership. Here are some important facts to keep in mind.
  • Mistake Eraser

    Top 5 Technology Mistakes

    Posted: Mar 28, 2017 Source: K2 Enterprises
    When it comes to accounting technology, there are all kinds of mistakes that can be made. Here is a list of the top 5 technology mistakes, and how you can protect yourself from making them.
  • city_skyline_400

    Staying One Step Ahead of Multistate Residency Audits

    Posted: Jan 24, 2017
    Many individuals are unaware of how easily they can find themselves subject to multistate-residency taxation. Which is why it’s critical that CPAs ask these questions to ensure their clients aren’t at risk for an audit.
  • technology_management_400

    8 Rules for Effective Technology Management

    Posted: Jan 20, 2017
    These eight rules of technology management will help your firm develop a tech strategy that is aligned with overarching firm strategy, and set you up for success today and into the future.
  • ethics_business_400

    Codes of Conduct: More Than Just Rules

    Posted: Jan 16, 2017
    CPAs have not only mastered complex knowledge and skills, but are entrusted with the authority to use them appropriately. The work of a CPA is more than calculations and rule application — it is exercising judgment in an environment of right and wrong.
  • stopwatches_pendulum_time_400

    Succession Planning for Business Clients

    Posted: Jan 10, 2017
    CPAs can assist business clients with determining how potential risks and threats will impact the future of the business and how to safeguard against those potential risks with succession and continuity plans. Here’s how to successfully do this for your clients.
  • laptop_tablet_technology_400

    5 Steps to Embrace and Leverage Technology

    Posted: Jan 5, 2017
    This business-owing CPA with over 30 years of experience offers advice on how to leverage and use new technology to keep your business thriving.
  • software_search_400

    Sales Tax Compliance Using Software as a Service

    Posted: Dec 8, 2016
    Are you confident that your clients and/or employer are compliant with their sales tax obligations? Fortunately, there are software solutions that automate the immense compliance obligations that frequently occur.
  • invoice_calculator_magnifying_glass_400

    Reverse Sales Tax Audits

    Posted: Dec 8, 2016
    Performing a reverse sales tax audit provides a great opportunity to avoid surprises and to potentially recover tax dollars for the client. Learn what is a reverse sales tax audit, why you should perform them and how to do it successfully.
  • filing_folders_storage_400

    Tax Records — What to Keep

    Posted: Dec 6, 2016
    As tax filing season approaches, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has information for taxpayers who wonder how long to keep tax returns and other documents.
  • group_young_professionals_networking_400

    The Importance of Networking From a Self-Proclaimed Introvert

    Posted: Nov 9, 2016
    Networking is critical for professional growth and success. Without networking, we miss out on crucial opportunities for advice, connection, mentorship and sponsorship. Here’s why relationship building is such an important tactic in the accounting profession today.
  • cybersecurity_technology_400

    How Security Savvy Is Your Firm?

    Posted: Nov 4, 2016
    While most wish there was a magic bullet that would guarantee 100 percent security, the reality is that even if we do everything possible to try to eliminate security risk, we are only as strong as the savviness of our people.