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    How CPAs Can Help Businesses Recoup Workers’ Comp Costs

    Posted: February 14, 2024
    Despite the best intentions of insurance agents and insurance companies in classifying and applying the rules and regulations regarding workers comp, it’s not uncommon for errors to occur. That's why CPAs need to know where they can help.
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    From Tiles to Taxes: How My Unconventional Career Path Helped Me Thrive in Public Accounting

    Posted: February 2, 2024
    Career paths don’t have to be traditional. Skills acquired in nearly every professional setting are often easily transferable to and applicable in a new one. It's important not to discount prior experience when considering a career in public accounting.
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    What CPAs Need to Know about ESG Reporting

    Posted: January 26, 2024
    It is crucial for CPAs to familiarize themselves with frameworks, standards and regulatory requirements governing ESG reporting.
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    ESG’s Impact on Valuations and the Benefits of ESG Mandated Reporting

    Posted: January 24, 2024
    By evaluating companies' sustainability disclosure statements, public investors will be in a position to reward better companies with higher share values while punishing the laggers. More importantly, investors may be able to avoid ESG surprises that can degrade share prices in an instant.
  • CEO Compass - Winter 2024

    Posted: January 22, 2024
    As we begin 2024, the profession’s pipeline challenges remain front and center. The NJCPA Board of Trustees and Pipeline Task Force are exploring all options to attract more students to the profession while maintaining the highest standards expected of a CPA.