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    Finding the Most Efficient Tax Research Can Provide Solutions to Tax Challenges

    Posted: December 6, 2023
    Both seasoned professionals and novices benefit from expert guidance and reliable sources to bridge the knowledge gap for taxation issues.The ability to conduct effective tax research is crucial for success.
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    Volunteering at the Community FoodBank of New Jersey: A Win-Win

    Posted: December 4, 2023
    Through our combined efforts at the NJCPA annual volunteer day at the Community FoodBank of New Jersey, we packed 2,304 one-pound bags of pasta, which will contribute to 1,920 meals for individuals in New Jersey. That was a success on many levels.
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    Essential Year-End Planning Tasks for CPA Firms

    Posted: December 1, 2023
    By starting early on year-end plans, firms will have more-efficient busy seasons and will increase chances of hitting their goals. Management should update strategic plans in relation to market expansions, mergers and acquisitions, and medical, retirement and other benefits.
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    Three Year-End Planning Opportunities for Individuals

    Posted: November 29, 2023
    CPAs should speak to their clients about being more active regarding their portfolio, estate planning and charitable giving as part of year-end planning best practices.
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    Debt Relief Guidance for CPAs

    Posted: November 28, 2023
    The guidance of a CPA can be invaluable in bankruptcy, from offering expertise in dissecting financial situations and ensuring adherence to bankruptcy codes to developing forward-looking strategies. Here are some multifaceted ways in which CPAs provide essential support to clients during bankruptcy.