NJCPA Focus is an informative blog that discusses timely issues, trends and developments in the accounting industry from NJCPA members, staff and other professionals. 

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    Debt Relief Guidance for CPAs

    Posted: November 28, 2023
    The guidance of a CPA can be invaluable in bankruptcy, from offering expertise in dissecting financial situations and ensuring adherence to bankruptcy codes to developing forward-looking strategies. Here are some multifaceted ways in which CPAs provide essential support to clients during bankruptcy.
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    How to Transform a Cold Call Into a Life-Long Business Relationship

    Posted: November 27, 2023
    A challenge is how a firm can satisfy the immediate needs of a client but also build a long-term relationship. It's important to remember that what often starts as a cold call can evolve into a strong professional partnership as well as a friendship.
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    Year-End Planning: Setting Up Your Clients for a Smooth Tax Prep Process

    Posted: November 21, 2023
    By putting year-end planning protocols in place before the end of the year, CPAs will be able to guide their clients with real data in the coming year and beyond.
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    Using CPA Skills to Enhance Local Community Civics

    Posted: October 31, 2023
    CPAs can play a vital role in empowering their local communities to better understand their budgets. Every CPA possesses a valuable skill set — often hiding in plain sight — that can lend insight into a local budget.
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    8 Things to Love About the Accounting Profession

    Posted: October 27, 2023
    Accounting jobs offer many perks, such as the opportunity to help people and businesses, countless industries to work in, good pay and benefits and the flexibility to work from home.
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    5 Year-End Financial Planning/Retirement Considerations: A Guide for CPAs

    Posted: October 26, 2023
    The end of the year is an opportune time to revisit retirement plans and be strategic with tax, medicare and estate planning as well as understanding Social Security benefits. CPAs need to guide their clients through the maze.
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    Top 5 Wage and Hour and Pay Equity Issues That All New Jersey Employers and CPAs Should Know

    Posted: October 10, 2023
    Given that employers often rely upon their CPAs for guidance on compensation issues, it’s important to stay up to date on the key areas where employers often experience compliance challenges.


We welcome interest in writing for NJCPA Focus. Please refer to the following guidelines in writing a blog post:

  • Have no more than 400 words in length.
  • Use bullet points/tips/recommendations, when possible.
  • Link to an objective or independent report or article, if available.
  • Do not sell a product or service.

To submit a blog post for consideration, contact Kathleen Hoffelder, content editor at NJCPA, via email. All posts will be entered by NJCPA staff and reposted on social media.