• CEO Compass - Spring 2023

    Posted: April 21, 2023
    It’s been an honor to lead this organization as we live out our vision, “To equip and empower New Jersey’s accounting and finance professionals to thrive in their careers.” Each and every day, we advocate for the profession and provide CPAs with meaningful education, information and ways to connect.
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    How to Use Innovation as an R&D Tax Credit Calculation

    Posted: April 11, 2023
    The research and development (R&D) tax credit can be a valuable tool for companies that conduct R&D, including the invention of patented products and processes. Here are considerations to let clients know about the R&D Tax Credit.
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    How CPAs Can Help Criminal Attorneys Evaluate Evidence and Tax Losses

    Posted: March 31, 2023
    CPAs can bring value in litigation support. If hired, CPAs should review the tax loss through the lens of the government’s burden of proof, question the IRS’s calculations and, if possible, calculate a more accurate amount so that a federal judge doesn’t have to estimate the tax loss.
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    8 Ways to Value a Privately Owned Business

    Posted: March 15, 2023
    Valuing a business is an art — not a science — even though careful calculations are made to arrive at an appraisal of the business. Here are some of the uses of a valuation and the considerations involved in the process.
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    4 Ways to Avoid Peer Review Problems

    Posted: March 7, 2023
    Clients and users of financial statements have an expectation that the practitioner performed high-quality work when preparing financials, so it’s important for practitioners to not only avoid certain issues during peer review year but maintain the same quality control from year to year.