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    Offshoring and Outsourcing Concerns

    Posted: January 26, 2023
    Many firms are scrambling for qualified staff to fill vacancies and are turning to outsourcing and offshoring. However, firms need to be mindful of their respective state board rules, IRS rules and other standard-sending bodies’ rules.
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    How to Find the Secret Sauce in Your Firm’s Recruiting Process

    Posted: January 24, 2023
    Recruiting and retention are woven together in a tapestry, and the most successful firms excel at both. Accounting firms with the lowest turnover demonstrate all or most of certain characteristics.
  • CEO Compass - Winter 2023

    Posted: January 4, 2023
    This is the time of year that throngs of people — maybe even you — choose a list of resolutions for the next year. While adopting a resolution shows a wonderful sense of positive intent, a more practical alternative could be to simply set new goals for the future. Goals give you a direction to aspire to. And, with the baby steps you may be taking toward your goal, you can still feel like you’re on the right track, which will, in turn, keep you focused.
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    How to Alter Your Communication Style to Match Client Types

    Posted: December 29, 2022
    To be great at selling your services, you have to be better than just yourself — you have to change your behavior and adjust to the needs of your prospect.
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    What College Students Think About CPA Evolution and the CPA Exam

    Posted: December 2, 2022
    The new CPA Exam will test candidates on knowledge required for a profession that has changed and will continue to evolve for years to come. A revised curriculum at the college level, based on the CPA Evolution initiative, will equip students with the skills expected by today’s accounting profession.