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    Artificial Intelligence: The Death Knell of Accountants?

    Posted: November 28, 2022
    There are several changes that AI will bring about, but the most significant is the reduction of repetitive tasks. By automating many drudgery-filled duties like data entry, tax returns and banking, accountants will be able to become more strategic.
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    NJ BAIT is Great, BUT What Are the Actual Savings for Your Clients?

    Posted: November 22, 2022
    Tax savings are ultimately the most important factor when deciding whether electing New Jersey Business Alternative Income Tax (BAIT) makes sense, but they are not the only factor, as there are other costs. CPAs play a vital role in figuring that out.
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    How Finding Your Voice Helps to Articulate Your Message

    Posted: November 3, 2022
    Whether in a meeting or giving a presentation, you will earn the respect of your organization’s leadership and your peers if you can clearly articulate your points. Here are some tips to finding your voice.
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    Why Bank Deposit Rates are So Low and Where to Find Better Rates

    Posted: November 2, 2022
    CPAs can make their clients aware that today’s economic conditions have created an unusual opportunity to earn attractive yields from ultra-low risk, short-term U.S. Treasury Bills that pay higher rates than many alternative higher risk investments.
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    How Reverse Mentoring Can Be Beneficial to Your Company

    Posted: October 31, 2022
    A reverse mentoring program allows companies to transfer knowledge and technical skills to junior employees and familiarize their senior employees with a different mindset. This type of mentoring is helpful in learning about the latest tools and applications.